Friday, June 08, 2007


Who's not a newbie these days? With so many new additions and new technology online, it is impossible to keep up. At Newbie Land (this page), you will at least learn a few tips for managing your Marketing Pond....and more. Check back soon for newbie help.


Marketing Pond is very simple to use. In the program list, you see the listed programs. Click the name of the program to visit the program site. Join the program and return to your Marketing Pond, enter your id for the program. Be sure to scroll down the program page and click 'Update' to save/lock in your program id. Do this for each program in the list. If you are already a member of the program, simply enter your id for that program and scroll down to click 'update'.

Each program listed, displays a reminder out beside the slot for your id entry. The reminder will say something like 'User Name' or 'ID Number'. Some programs give you a referral id number whereas others you may have a referral name. It is important that you place your correct id for each program listed.

What you do NOT place in the id slots are email address, passwords, Marketing Pond id, log in names. Remember, every program gives you a referral url. It is the id you see in the referral url, that is your id to enter into the slot for the program.

Members that you sponsor to Marketing Pond will also click the programs. When they click the programs, they will be at your referral program sites. That is why it is wise to join every program in the list. This is the Marketing Pond main strategy. Instead of working hard to promote one single program, you work smarter and easier, by simply promoting your Marketing Pond. By gaining referrals in each program, you have more advertising on autopilot and you make more money.


The programs listed are very easy to use. Some are totally autopilot. When joining the advertising programs, place your Marketing Pond referral url and a Marketing Pond ad. This will help you get more sign ups to your Marketing Pond. More sign ups to your Marketing Pond, means more sign ups to the programs listed that you are a member of (it is best to be a member of all of them) and that can result in more money for you.

I will be listing each program here and explaining how to make the most of each program. Check back later if you do not see all programs explained here. I will explain each one as my time allows. Each explanation, is to help you understand how you can make the most money with the program.


Agloco is very simple to use. It has not fully launched yet. Therefore, there is nothing to really explain at this time other than, simply promote Marketing Pond to help you get more referrals to Agloco. After it has fully launched, you will be able to download the viewbar. The amount of your earnings is going to relate closely to how many active members you have in your Agloco downline.


Click the name TrafficDigger from the program list and sign up. There is not much more to it then that. You will be able to place an ad and a url. Place a Marketing Pond ad and your referral url for Marketing Pond within TrafficDigger. The more you refer to TrafficDigger, the more your ad will be displayed. Of course, the easiest way to get more referrals in TrafficDigger is simply be sponsoring more to your Marketing Pond. Do you see how everything comes full circle to make you more money just by promoting your Marketing Pond referral url!


This is another very simple advertising program. Sign up by clicking the name in the program list. Enter your Marketing Pond referral url and place a Marketing Pond ad. Copy the code and paste the code it gives you on your website or blog. If you don't have a website or blog, go get a free website or free blog. There are loads of free blogs online that you can join quickly and paste the code. You can log into your Ad Grid Network at any time should you want to change your ad. Ad Grid Network also will display to you how many impressions your ad has displayed and how many times your ad has been clicked. If you do not see many click thru's, try changing your ad. YES, it is wise to log in from time to time and check your stats. Because if your ad is not pulling very well, you can change it! In addition, the more you sponsor to your MarketingPond, the more that will join Ad Grid Network through your referral link. This means the more your ad will display on the site they place their code on. Very easy, viral system.


PageSwirl is free like everything in Marketing Pond is free. However, PageSwirl does have an upgrade option. Therefore, you can earn commissions as a free member or a paid earn more as a paid member. If members you sponsor to PageSwirl upgrade to a paid member, you earn commissions. Upgrading is not necessary but the option is there. As a free member you can rotate up to 5 urls. After logging in, you will see the links in the left hand column in which you can click to add your urls to the free rotator. Add Marketing Pond, perhaps add some of the other programs listed. You can then use your rotator url as you wish. Many traffic exchanges allow rotator could place your rotator url within some traffic exchanges. In addition, PageSwirl has a traffic exchange builder... you can choose to join those traffic exchanges listed. Some thing very cool they have is the traffic exchange schedule. You can use their schedule to surf traffic exchanges. You also have the option of sending an email through their mailer to all those you sponsored to PageSwirl.


If you're familiar with traffic exchanges you won't have any problem getting started quickly with Traffic Swarm. After enrolling, log into your TrafficSwarm and scroll down the member page to add your site. Choose the categories that best describes your site. Then enter your Marketing Pond referral url and ad. There is an upgrade option. As an upgraded member you can earn commissions and earn more credits. But the free membership is mighty good. You'll receive extra credits when you sponsor people to TrafficSwarm and you also receive credits for doing searches. You can choose to set your Traffic Swarm surf page to your home page or simply log in and utilize it as your time allows. Within TrafficSwarm is a 'getting started' page that will explain easily step by step how to best set up and manage your Traffic Swarm. Basically, there is nothing difficult to it. Set your referral url and surf to earn page views.


TrafficRoundUp has an upgrade option too. For some people, upgrading within the best traffic exchanges is a good option because they receive credits on autopilot. It simply saves them time. It is very easy to navigate around in TrafficRoundUp. Click on the 'site manager' in your TRU member area to add your Marketing Pond url. As you surf to earn credits, you can choose to convert all or part of your credits to banner impressions and/or site visitors. I usually do a little of both. To place a banner in TRU, click on 'banner manager' from the top bar. Enter your banner image. For example a banner image link for Marketing Pond is and after placing the image link to the banner, place your Marketing Pond referral url. If you did it right, you will see the banner. The more people you sponsor to Marketing Pond, the more likely you will get more people sponsored into your TRU. The end result can always mean more advertising on autopilot for you and that can mean, more money for you.


This is another one that is very easy. It is best to have a pencil and write down the codes as you visit the sites. What you do is, scroll down the page, click the sponsor site, write down the code, go onward and do the same with each site listed....about 6 altogether. When you're finsihed, type in the code for each one. That is it. Now you can place your Marketing Pond ad and your Marketing Pond url. You can also log in at any time to change or update your ad. Your ad could get millions of views.


Link Referral is different than a traffic exchange. There is an upgrade option with Link Referral. But, as a free member you can do very well with it. Not much is going to happen if you don't use it. As you have time, log in and post a few reviews. The way that works is, you visit others websites, post a review of what you liked and did not like about their site. In return, your site will get reviews. In essence, that is how you can achieve free sign ups to your Marketing Pond. Of course, you'll want to place your Marketing Pond and url for the reviews. By the way, Marketing Pond does get excellent reviews.


This is one that it is much more beneficial to be a paid member. But free is ok too. There is a member in Marketing Pond that has over 5,000 upgraded members in his Link Scout program! Link Scout is highly credible and has been online many years. I won't write a book about it here. All the instructions and information is at their site. Take time to read it and set up your Link Scout with your links.


TrafficWaveProfits works a tad like Marketing Pond. Only, TrafficWaveProfits has few programs listed of which is based on paid, credible, longevity programs. Most importantly, TrafficWaveProfits explains how to do various advertising online. If you follow the information in there, you will probably learn some things you were not aware of. It is free with an upgrade option. Free members earn 20% and paid members earn 50% commissions when sponsoring an upgraded member. Free members do not have access to downloads or resources.


There's a lot going on at Big Daddy and some may be confused about how to use it. When you join as a free member, you are given $50 worth of credits, free! After logging in, you choose a keyword or keyword phrase. As an example, lets say you choose the keyword phrase 'free money'. IF that keyword phrase is not taken by another member, then you can apply your $50 credit towards that keyword phrase. You will then submit your ad such as a Marketing Pond ad and your Marketing Pond referral url. Now then, when people do searches at big daddy by typing in that keyword/keyword phrase you chose, your site/ad will be displayed. This is targeted advertising that makes sense. You can choose to purchase ad credits any time. You can actually buy a keyword or keyword phrase. In addition, when you sponsor people to your BDP, you get free credits. Also, you can earn commissions as well when those you sponsor make a purchase. What's more, always open every message they send you. Almost all their messages have an 'Advantage Link'. Usually clicking the Advantage link will give you 50 Advantage credits. Advantage credits can be used for different stuff. For example, they will be allowing you to use Advantage credits for dining out certificates, radios, various other gifts. No matter where you live, you can utilize the Advantage credits. This is the main jest of BDP that I want you to be aware of. There is lots more and you can log in and read all the information and what BDP has to offer.


Hits2u main focus is a program called 'GDI' (Global Domains International). However, you do not need to be a member of GDI nor do you need to join GDI to utilize Hits2U. You can place your Marketing Pond referral url and ad, even if you are not interested in GDI. Others can view your ad and may join Marketing Pond under you.


Most people tend to like ClixSense. It is also a favorite amongst Marketing Pond members. It is free with upgrade option. And it is one of the programs that I strongly suggest upgrading. Upgrading to a premium member is only $10 Per Year. The reason I strongly suggest upgrading to premium is because you will see more ads to click and you probably will from time to time see more ads to click that are worth more than 1 cent. In fact, upon upgrading, premium members usually see 300 to 500 ads....right there is $3 to $5 in essence you have a good portion of your upgrade fee back the same day you upgrade. Whether free or premium, you earn by clicking ads and you earn when anyone you sponsor makes a purchase. In addition, depending on their monthly statement, you may earn $5 on each member you sponsored that upgrades. Just logging in to your ClixSense once a day won't cut the mustard. In other words, you won't earn much if you don't check often for ads. Advertisers ads can run out very quickly. Just keep checking constantly while online for ads to click. I keep ClixSense open 24/7. You can very easily make $10 to $15 per month. You can make double that if you check and click for ads frequently. You can even make much more than that when you have personally sponsored members that upgrade and/or make ad purchases. You earn 10% of each ad purchase your personally sponsored makes. Easy program. Easy money.


Inboxdollars is an easy program to make some free money. But there is more to it than just clicking a link in an ad you receive from them. If that is all you do, your earnings will add up very slowly. Build your MarketingPond and you may get referrals for your IBD which can mean more money for you. Log into your IBD from time to time and click some paid to click links. They will also pay you for doing two searches per day.... 2 cents a search that is 4 cents a day just for doing two searches per day. Sign up to some free offers from time to time. By logging in and doing some of those things, your earnings will add up quickly and that means you will get payouts quickly.


The easiest and least time consuming on the block. Everyone loves Hits4Pay because they rarely send more than 4 messages. Although you earn little directly for logging in and clicking the ad message, the three level referral system more than makes up for it. The more referrals you have that are using Hits4Pay, the more money you are going to make. This one is an easy $30 to $50 per month and more ..with some active referrals. Remember, build your Marketing Pond and you build all the programs listed.


For some reason, I think the name is ridiculous. I don't think any program that advertises the way this program advertises is going to take the internet back. It has a large database of members. Members can purchase ad packages. The ad will then be sent out to the database of members. You receive the message, click the link and you see a page that says you have been credited. Maybe some of the ads are read by some of the members. For the most part, I think they are ignored and simply the confirm link clicked. Even with a large number of referrals, the benefits seem to be very small. However, it is yet to be seen what else they may implement. It is very easy that is for sure. They start you out with $10 which is a good thing since it takes seemingly forever to make that $10 into $11. For me, it is more about waiting to see what if anything this program produces.


Lots of ways to earn with SlashMySearch. You do earn by doing searches. The more searches you do, the more you are going to earn. But there is more ways to earn. In fact, everything you do while in SlashMySearch, earns you money. After logging into your SMS member area, scroll down the page and read about the other ways to earn. You can sign up for a SMS email account and earn. You also earn while at their forum. They have recently added various offers in which you can take advantage of and earn. And they also pay you down through several levels and that means more earnings for you.


The owner of WordLinx was taken ill several weeks ago. Family members of the owner have been managing the program. It is a nice little advertising source and it can earn you some extra money. Right now however, it is a bit slow going. Log into this one several times per day to see if there is new ads to click. You will earn for your clicks and on referrals too.


You can earn more than what you may think with this one. There is a section called 'daily survey'. Log in once per day and take the daily survey and you will be paid .75 cents for each one...that is $22.50 per month. Also, you will get paid a percentage of earnings from your referrals earning. And there are lots of survey offers and various other offers too. Be sure you use a junk email address when you take up survey offers.....some will send you loads of email.


Log in each day and click the 'paid ads'. You will have to surf 5 sites before you can click the paid ads. You will also earn by doing the paid to surf. There is an upgrade option with this one but for the record, I don't think many bother with upgrading. This program also functions like any other traffic exchange so you can get free traffic credits by surfing so that others will view your page. More may be implemented in this program over time. Still, it has various usefulness and you can earn.


Probably the largest paid to read email program online. You will need to log into this one as your time allows. I suggest logging in at least once per day, go to the paid to click section first. Click all the ads to gain earnings and points. You can convert points to cash. They also have loads of paid to sign up offers. There is lots and lots of ways to earn with DonkeyMails. And you earn down through several levels of referrals too. You may get a few emails per the paid ad link to confirm and earn.


High ranking paid to read. Ranks right up there with DonkeyMails. Works about the same way. You will probably receive a few more emails from No-Minimum than you do from DonkeyMails. Log in each day and click for earnings and points. View paid to offers. You also earn on referrals too.

Cash Crate

They have loads of offers and many only take a couple of minutes to complete or less. In addition, they may have special promo deals from time to time. Presently, they have been running a $1 earning for each active USA member you sponsor. Start by logging in and going through the 100% free offers. Visit their forum to see how other members are earning and you can also view many of the members checks and amounts paid.

Respectfully Yours.


Build Your Downline BIG... Build It FAST... And Build It Auto-Magically With TOTAL EXPOSURE MARKETING! Power-Shift Into Wealth-Creation Today - For F>R>E>E>!
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P.S.Business Opportunities are a dime a dozen and I am sure you have looked at plenty in your search for the right one for you to run entirely from your own home, with the absolute maximum possible profit and with the very minimal amount of work..Well, look no more because this is it: This is a very simple, very REAL business that Will Make You very easy, very REAL Money! You probably wouldn't mind adding $1,000 or more every day to your bank account, would you?

The Perfect Way To make MONEY

There's never a better time than right NOW to tell someone you love them. You never know how long they will be with you

You can have everything you want in life, if you will just help enough other people get what they want

PS: I want your input.. Any suggestions? Any Comments? Feel free to ask me any question about the programs you have viewed. Contact me by Clicking Here

Thursday, June 07, 2007


Wednesday, June 06, 2007

The .1 Business Social Network...Driven by You

You're invited to join GraceT network of friends.

By joining Apsense, a newly launched business social network, you can connect with business indivduals with common interests, meet new friends or business associates, start your business blog, and even build your own private social network!

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Join the Group "Road2Prosperity"

Respectfully Yours.

Build Your Downline BIG... Build It FAST... And Build It Auto-Magically With TOTAL EXPOSURE MARKETING! Power-Shift Into Wealth-Creation Today - For F>R>E>E>!
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PS: I want your input.. Any suggestions? Any Comments? Feel free to ask me any question about the Free1Up you have. Contact me by Clicking Here

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Respectfully Yours.

Build Your Downline BIG... Build It FAST... And Build It Auto-Magically With TOTAL EXPOSURE MARKETING! Power-Shift Into Wealth-Creation Today - For F>R>E>E>!
Incredible New Compensation Plan
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P.S.Business Opportunities are a dime a dozen and I am sure you have looked at plenty in your search for the right one for you to run entirely from your own home, with the absolute maximum possible profit and with the very minimal amount of work..Well, look no more because this is it: This is a very simple, very REAL business that Will Make You very easy, very REAL Money! You probably wouldn't mind adding $1,000 or more every day to your bank account, would you?

The Perfect Way To make MONEY

There's never a better time than right NOW to tell someone you love them. You never know how long they will be with you

You can have everything you want in life, if you will just help enough other people get what they want

PS: I want your input.. Any suggestions? Any Comments? Feel free to ask me any question about the programs you have viewed. Contact me by Clicking Here

Finally, Something That Works!

Hello My Fellow Network Marketers

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Please read email below that I received from my sponsor.


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He has earned over $9,000 up to this point (in less than 30 days). As for My Sponsor, including this morning's entries, that makes a total of $4,625 (Jan27), not bad for just sending out some emails to her contacts.
It will certainly work the same, or better, for Us too! Why? Because You want to make big money, right? Well, making big money has always been about being in the Right place, at the Right time.

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* This new program is the only one on the net that pays you not only via a traditional 3-tier Affiliate structure but also via an Advanced Rotation System. What this means is that even if you never tell anyone about this phenomenal opportunity, your name will always be in their Automated Rotation System, and every time it comes up you'll get paid.

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An excellent wealth generating opportunity that you would have to be CRAZY to pass up!


(the above link is re-directed to my actual site, if you have problems opening, please let me know.... it might get overloaded with too many visitors)


Thank you for your time :-)

GRACE TRAN - TEM Downline Specialist

Build Your Downline BIG... Build It FAST... And Build It Auto-Magically With TOTAL EXPOSURE MARKETING! Power-Shift Into Wealth-Creation Today - For F>R>E>E>!
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P.S.Business Opportunities are a dime a dozen and I am sure you have looked at plenty in your search for the right one for you to run entirely from your own home, with the absolute maximum possible profit and with the very minimal amount of work..Well, look no more because this is it: This is a very simple, very REAL business that Will Make You very easy, very REAL Money! You probably wouldn't mind adding $1,000 or more every day to your bank account, would you?


Build Your Power-Team Like Never Before...

IMAGINE... what would happen to your earnings in any MLM Company or Affiliate Program... IF you had a Growing Power-Team... AND a major portion of your Team Members were Building their own Teams... AND most of them followed you into your various MLM Companies and/or Affiliate Programs!

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Use this GENERIC system to build your downline in any MLM Company or Affiliate Program!

Join Vortex Marketing GroupNOW for FREE!

You probably already know that... THE BIG MONEY IS IN THE DOWNLINE! The problem is that most people have difficulty building downlines. If that's true for you, then we have the perfect solution...

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It's called "TEM" -- Get all the details by also signing up for MonsterPreLaunch for FREE!

Why Join The FREE 1-Up?

(That's why many marketers are making imitations.)

Question: What is the Easiest Way for Most People to Make Money on the Internet?

Answer: With Programs that Virtually Sell Themselves. (Typically, about 98% of people trying to make money online meet with little success. Find a program or system that makes it as easy as possible for the 98%... and you have a winner!)

Question: How Much Money Can I Make?

Answer: Anything from $50 a Day to Several Thousand a Month.

Moneymaking Programs

The FREE 1-Up

NOTE 1: F1U presents you with a low-risk (only $100) vs. high-reward opportunity. Particularly because of the 1-up feature, you have the potential to receive an unlimited number of $50 payments (and an unlimted number of $500 payments when "Phase B" starts).

NOTE 2: Launched during November, 2006, F1U has grown to over 40,000 members in about 4 months and has the potential to continue performing for many years. F1U is currently in a "Trial Phase." Next will come "Phase A" and then "Phase B" which will pay you $500 at a time. During the current "Trial Phase" you can immediately start earning $50 payments paid direct to you.

NOTE 3: Payments are member to member. You don't have to wait for the company to pay you -- your referrals make their payments direct to you. The company can't "run with your money" because they never get their hands on your money. This is a huge advantage.

NOTE 4: Typically, 1-up programs don't work very well for some members because the 98% (who usually fail with most programs) have great difficulty sponsoring. However, F1U addresses the typical difficulties of the 98% and makes it very easy for them to sponsor. The main thing you do is send interested visitors to your F1U referral page (or to your customized version of this MPL page). To make it even easier for you, use the "MPL/TEM" System to help automatically build your F1U downline.

Join The FREE 1-Up (F1U) Now!-- Sign up FREE!
